
"We Will Cut Off Your Ears": Terrifying Testimonies About Taliban Threats Against Female Teachers

Testimonies given by teachers and students to Amnesty International documented threats of violence from the Taliban against those advocating for the return of girls to schools. The organization stated that it conducted phone interviews with 11 teachers and school administrators, as well as 10 students aged between 14 and 22, from September 16 to October 8 across Afghanistan. The testimonies highlighted threats and harassment from the Taliban, which have led to low enrollment rates in schools.

The Taliban allowed male students to return to schools but denied this for girls, insisting on the need for a "safe educational environment" before girls could return. Several high school female students reported that they had lost their aspirations to learn, as the Taliban would not allow them to work, even if they were permitted to study, except in specific fields such as education and healthcare. Families are afraid to send their daughters to school because of threats from the Taliban against anyone who does.

The organization's report relays the account of Zainat, a pseudonymous teacher in Samangan province, who stated that parents fear that if they send their daughters to school, they will be beaten by Taliban members. Those interviewed reported widespread absenteeism among teachers, largely due to the Taliban's failure to pay their salaries. This has led many primary schools to operate at reduced capacity or to shut down completely.

Pashtana, a high school teacher, told Amnesty International that she received death threats from the Taliban and was summoned to the local court for trial due to her previous teaching of mixed sports. The teacher revealed that she received a threat from Taliban members warning her, "If we catch you, we will cut off your ears to serve as a lesson for others in the province," which forced her to hide even from her family.

Aft, aged 22, was beaten along with her 16-year-old brother for attending an English class, which Taliban members labeled as “the language of infidels.” Another high school teacher reported being subjected to harassment and intimidation by Taliban members following a media interview in which she complained about salaries and the ban on girls' education, noting that her colleagues were threatened with expulsion from their homes because of this.

The Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 with extreme brutality and persecution, faced international outrage after excluding women and girls from education and work across the country.

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