The United States announced yesterday, Thursday, that it successfully tested components of "prototype" hypersonic missiles that will be used to develop this new type of weapon, which has long been advanced by China and Russia. The U.S. Navy stated in a press release that three tests were conducted "successfully" on Wednesday at the Wallops Flight Facility of NASA in Virginia, near Washington.
The statement added that these tests "demonstrated technologies, capabilities, and prototypes for advanced hypersonic systems in a realistic environment."
On another note, the U.S. permanent representative at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Robert Wood, expressed that the United States is "very concerned" about China's activities in the field of hypersonic missiles, which can travel at speeds of Mach 5 (five times the speed of sound) and can change their trajectory, making them difficult to detect and intercept.
The Financial Times reported that China launched a missile of this type with nuclear capabilities in August, which flew around the Earth in low orbit before failing to hit its target. China denied this information, stating that it was a "routine test of a spacecraft aimed at testing reusable spacecraft technologies."
In 2019, China showcased a hypersonic missile called "DF-17." This medium-range weapon (about 2,000 kilometers) resembles a "glider" and can carry nuclear warheads. However, the missile discussed by the Financial Times is different from the "DF-17" as it can reach space, enter orbit, and then re-enter the atmosphere before hitting its target, and it appears to have a greater range.
Russia has launched a similar missile, "Tsirkon," from a submarine and has put into service since late 2019 hypersonic missiles called "Avangard" with nuclear capabilities. Moscow states that the "Avangard" missile can reach speeds of 27 Mach and can change its trajectory and altitude.
The U.S. Department of Defense (the Pentagon) hopes to deploy its first missiles around 2025.