
Title: Mother of Ismailia Killer Reveals Truth Regarding Rape Allegations

Title: Mother of Ismailia Killer Reveals Truth Regarding Rape Allegations

The Arabic news site reported on the horrific crime that occurred a few days ago in Egypt. The mother of the Ismailia killer, accused of a murder involving a machete, revealed during her testimony to the public prosecutor that she had prior knowledge of the victim. She affirmed that the circulating claims regarding the motive behind the murder of the young man and its relation to the mother of the perpetrator and his sister are untrue. The public prosecutor summoned both the mother and sister of the perpetrator and listened to their statements for an hour, where they confronted the accused, who also denied committing the act in defense of his honor, as he had claimed at the time of the tragic incident.

The mother of the Ismailia killer stated before the public prosecutor that her son suffers from psychological crises due to drug abuse and that he had previously been detained at an addiction treatment center.

A report from the Egyptian Forensic Psychiatry Department, issued by the regional health council assigned by the public prosecutor to evaluate the suspect in the Ismailia massacre case, revealed on Thursday evening that the accused showed no symptoms indicating any psychological or mental disorder that could impair his perception, choice, will, or ability to distinguish right from wrong. This assessment applies both currently and at the time of the alleged incident, making him responsible for the charges against him.

Earlier on Thursday, the Attorney General Hamada El-Sawy ordered the referral of the accused, who deliberately killed another person by stabbing and attempted to kill two others, to the competent criminal court for urgent trial for the charges against him, as well as for drug use and possession of bladed weapons—without legal justification—at a public gathering in breach of public order.

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