One of the bothersome symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency can be the twitching of the eye or increased eyelash movement, along with facial pain. In this annoying case, spasms typically occur in one eye at a time, or sometimes below it.
Eye twitching, known to doctors as myokymia, can be caused by stress, fatigue, allergies, or dry eyes, among other factors. Other common symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency include feelings of dizziness, fatigue, muscle weakness, and constipation. It is noteworthy that the body uses Vitamin B12 to form red blood cells and maintain the health of the nervous system. Certain groups of people may have difficulties obtaining enough Vitamin B12 in their diet, including the elderly, individuals with Crohn's disease, and vegetarians.
Foods that contain good levels of Vitamin B12 include liver, salmon, eggs, dairy products, and fortified breakfast cereals. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be treated with dietary supplements, as untreated deficiency can lead to neuropathy, which is characterized by a tingling sensation in the legs, feet, or hands.
Dr. John D. England, a neurologist at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, stated: "People who suspect they have neurological issues should speak to their doctors about screening tests, particularly those concerning blood glucose levels, Vitamin B12 levels, and serum protein levels, as these tests can often indicate common causes of neuropathy." Dr. England added: "Many people with neuropathy have lived with it for years without being diagnosed and treated. Therefore, it is critical for both neurologists and those suffering from neuropathy to understand that the appropriate selection of tests is vital for accurate diagnosis."