
Israel Accuses Staff Member at Defense Minister's Home of Espionage for Iran-linked Individual

Israel Accuses Staff Member at Defense Minister's Home of Espionage for Iran-linked Individual

Israel has accused a member of the household staff of Defense Minister Benny Gantz of espionage, stating on Thursday that he offered to spy on Gantz for a "person linked to Iran." The Israel Security Agency (Shabak) announced in a statement that the suspect communicated with the unnamed individual via social media. It added that he provided photographs taken in the home as proof of his ability to provide information and suggested installing malware on Gantz's computer.

Tensions between Iran and Israel have been rising due to Tehran's nuclear program and what Israeli officials describe as Iran's military entrenchment and support for Israel's enemies in the region.

The Shabak stated that the suspect, who was responsible for housekeeping and cleaning at Gantz's residence, has been charged with espionage by a court in the city of Lod, near Tel Aviv. He was arrested following an investigation earlier this month. It was not immediately clear whether he had entered a guilty plea in exchange for a lighter sentence.

The Attorney General's office, which has appointed a lawyer to assist the suspect, noted that he acted out of "financial necessity" and did not intend to harm national security. Gal Wolf, the lawyer representing him, told Israeli Radio Kan that the man was seeking money without actually having the capability to carry out any espionage activities. Wolf stated, "Anyone can boast and say they can do something, but the Shabak's statement does not wait for confirmation on the ground."

In its announcement, the Shabak indicated that while the suspect poses a potential risk to national security, he "was not privy to classified materials and thus did not transfer anything to the individuals with whom he communicated."

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