
Well-Deserved Recognition: International Welcome for the UAE's Election to the UN Security Council

Well-Deserved Recognition: International Welcome for the UAE's Election to the UN Security Council

Reactions welcoming and congratulating the United Arab Emirates on its election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council unfolded on Friday, emphasizing that this membership crowns a brilliant journey of diplomatic and humanitarian work. The UAE secured the non-permanent membership for the period from 2022 to 2023 after receiving 179 votes from countries in the UN General Assembly.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan congratulated the UAE, tweeting, "We congratulate the sisterly United Arab Emirates, leadership and people," affirming, "Our full support for the efforts of our brothers to serve just causes in the region and to achieve international peace and security."

Similarly, the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry welcomed the international community's election of the UAE as a non-permanent member of the Security Council. The ministry stated in a release that the international community's choice reflects the prominent role the UAE plays at both regional and international levels. It concluded its statement by expressing sincere congratulations to the UAE's leadership, government, and people, wishing them success during their non-permanent membership in the Security Council, while preserving and enhancing international peace and security.

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry expressed pride on behalf of the Kingdom of Bahrain, both leadership and people, and conveyed its sincere congratulations to the UAE on its election as a non-permanent member of the Security Council. Manama congratulated the leadership and people of the UAE on this historic diplomatic achievement, stating it reflects the UAE's tireless efforts to promote security and peace globally. The Bahraini Foreign Ministry affirmed its support for the UAE in fulfilling its role as a member of the Security Council, praising its significant role in enhancing international stability, security, and its ongoing contributions to supporting humanitarian and developmental programs in many countries worldwide.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry congratulated the UAE via its Twitter account, saying, "We express our sincere congratulations to the sisterly United Arab Emirates on being elected to the non-permanent membership of the Security Council for the period 2022-2023, during the elections held today in the UN General Assembly. Best wishes for continued success and progress to our brothers in the UAE."

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi congratulated the UAE on this election, tweeting, "Warm congratulations to our brothers in the United Arab Emirates on winning the non-permanent membership in the Security Council for 2022-2023. We take pride in our brothers and their achievements, and we wish them all the best."

Lebanon's designated Prime Minister Saad Hariri wrote, "Congratulations to the Arabs and the world on the election of the UAE to the UN Security Council." He added that "the UAE has rightfully earned the world's trust with its policies and has set a diplomatic example in enhancing relationships between countries and peoples to serve humanity. Congratulations to the UAE and its people, and to further progress."

The President of the Arab Parliament, Adel Al-Asoumi, congratulated the UAE on its election to the Security Council, stating that this membership crowns its ongoing efforts to establish security and stability in the region. Iraq, through its UN delegation, also congratulated the UAE on this historic achievement, tweeting, "It will be the Arab member in the council, and Iraq looks forward to continuing constructive communication between the two brotherly countries in various fields and at all levels."

The United States, through its UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, congratulated the UAE on this event, expressing Washington's eagerness to "work together on the most pressing issues of international peace and security." In this context, the chief official in the Office of International Organizations at the U.S. State Department, Ambassador Erika Parks, extended congratulations to the UAE, expressing her anticipation of working together in the Security Council.

For his part, the President of the Arab Federation for Human Rights, Issa Al-Arabi, hailed the UAE's election to the Security Council. He stated in a release that this victory "highlights the UAE's international and pivotal status and its success in showcasing its role and international diplomacy in achieving goodness, peace, and development in the world."

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