
24 Tough Hours in Case of Silos Collapse.. Here's What to Do!

24 Tough Hours in Case of Silos Collapse.. Here's What to Do!

Environmental expert Samir Skaf ruled out the collapse of the silos at the Port of Beirut after they withstood the massive explosion on August 4, considering that the fire is not large relative to the size of the silos. Skaf emphasized that the first 24 hours would be the most difficult for the surrounding areas in the event of a collapse. In an interview with "Voice of Lebanon," he pointed out that there is no danger from toxic emissions, and the risk is limited to the amount of dust resulting from the cement crumbling, noting that the damage would affect an area with a radius of 500 to 1500 meters around the silos. Regarding the measures that should be taken, Skaf stressed the importance of being cautious, closing windows, avoiding going outside, and ideally leaving the area, as well as wearing masks to avoid inhaling the dense dust.

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