
Scientists have discovered the "deepest earthquake ever," which occurred 467 miles (751 kilometers) beneath the Earth's surface, marking the first finding at such depth, according to research published on "Science Alert." Previously, scientists did not expect earthquakes to occur at this depth due to the intense pressures that typically cause "bending and deformation" of rocks instead of breaking them due to "sudden energy." The research, which provides information about this deepest earthquake, was first published in June in the journal "Geophysical Research Letters." It is an aftershock of a 7.9 magnitude earthquake that shook the "Bonin Islands" archipelago off Japan's mainland in 2015. Researchers led by seismologist Eric Kiser from the University of Arizona detected the deep earthquake using the Japanese "Hi-net" network, an advanced system of stations designed for earthquake detection. John Vidal, a seismologist at the University of Southern California who was not involved in the research, stated that this Japanese network is "the strongest earthquake detection system" currently in use. He noted that "the depth of the earthquake still requires confirmation from other researchers, but the result appears reliable." He confirmed that the researchers "did a good job, and they are likely correct" regarding the earthquake's depth (751 km). This earthquake is considered distinctive because earthquakes are usually shallow, felt at depths not exceeding 100 km, according to Science Alert. Heidi Houston, a geophysicist at the University of Southern California who did not participate in the research, mentioned that regardless of the cause of this deep earthquake, it is unlikely to occur frequently, emphasizing that it is "a very rare event."

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