
Elderly Woman Exposes Generator Owner to State Security

Elderly Woman Exposes Generator Owner to State Security

State Security issued the following statement:

Up until now, some generator owners continue to extort citizens by cutting off electricity if they object or file a complaint against them with municipalities or State Security.

Yesterday morning - Monday, July 26, 2022, the General Directorate of State Security - Mount Lebanon Directorate received a call from a woman from the Ouzai area, complaining about a generator owner who imposed a large amount as her electricity subscription fee, surpassing her pension after the death of her husband. After collecting details from her over the phone by a State Security officer, it was found that she is around eighty years old, and the generator owner collects subscriptions from people without providing them with any bills, and has not installed meters for them yet, despite decisions from the Ministry of Economy more than a year ago requiring meter installations. The caller also confirmed that he had repeatedly threatened her with disconnection if she filed a complaint against him.

Shortly after, State Security patrols began raiding generators in the Ouzai and Ghbayri areas, and after inspecting them with a representative from the Ministry of Economy, violation reports were issued against J. Sablaani, A. Shams, and M. Mashhour for not complying with the legal directives of the Ministry of Economy.

A source in State Security confirmed the importance of cooperation between citizens and the directorate, by informing them of what is happening, similar to what this responsible woman did, who realized that only the law can protect her.

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