
Video: Officer "Golden Toilet" - Excessive Wealth Led Him into a Trap

Video: Officer

After suspicions arose regarding him, Russian authorities arrested a senior traffic police officer, suspected of leading a criminal gang and receiving huge bribes. British network "Sky News" reported that Colonel Alexei Savonov of the Russian police and others were arrested in the city of Stavropol in southern Russia. Savonov’s excessive wealth raised suspicions, as he owns a palace with luxurious rooms and a large billiard hall.

However, what caught more attention was the palace's toilet adorned with gold, of which Russian authorities have released photos showing the precious metal almost everywhere. The officer is believed to have led a criminal gang that issued permits for grain transporting companies in exchange for bribes, allowing these permits to let cargo transporters bypass regional laws and even pass police checkpoints without inspection.

Alexander Kinshtein, a politician in the ruling United Russia party, stated that more than 35 traffic police officers were arrested in the large operation. He added that the investigation included raids on about 80 properties, where authorities seized large amounts of cash, cars, and important documents.

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