
Bashar Ismail Competes with Fifi Abdo and Nagwa Fouad in Dancing

Bashar Ismail Competes with Fifi Abdo and Nagwa Fouad in Dancing

Syrian actor Bashar Ismail confirmed that he has become one of the biggest competitors to Egyptian dancers Fifi Abdo and Nagwa Fouad after learning how to dance in just one night.

He wrote on his Facebook page: "I have never thought about dancing in my life, but allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to the Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Electricity for giving me the opportunity to creatively learn all kinds and forms of dance, starting from ballet and samba to oriental dance. Thank God I have become a major competitor to Fifi Abdo and Nagwa Fouad." He indicated that he acquired the talent for dancing in one night when he decided to take a shower, adding: "All this knowledge and learning to dance came to me in one night when I decided to take a shower after a full month without one. The water was extremely cold, and after I came out, I started to shiver. I put on my clothes and went to the living room, which was completely devoid of any heating, and began to shake from the intense cold. By the end of the day, I had become a dance expert. Thank you to the wonderful government that encourages unprecedented creativity." It is noted that Bashar Ismail has been absent from the screen for the second consecutive season, with his last appearance dating back to the 2019 season in works such as "Contact," "Spotlight," and "When Wolves Age," and "People Made of Paper."

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