
Russian Doctor Identifies Foods That Can Cause Headaches

Russian Doctor Identifies Foods That Can Cause Headaches

Dr. Pavel Khoroshev, a specialist in neurology, has announced that certain foods can trigger headaches.

The specialist mentions in a talk with Radio Sputnik that, according to medical data, more than a billion people, or one-seventh of the world's population, suffer from migraine attacks. He indicates that the consumption of certain types of foods, such as chocolate and cheese, can contribute to the onset of this type of headache.

He states, "It is better for individuals who suffer from migraines to avoid alcoholic beverages, knowing that red wine stimulates the occurrence of migraines more than other types of alcoholic drinks. Additionally, foods and beverages containing caffeine, such as energy drinks, coffee, and tea, as well as all types of cheese, are considerations. Chocolate is one of the most significant migraine triggers. Furthermore, sugar substitutes like aspartame and flavor enhancers like glutamate also cause migraines."

He adds that there is an opinion suggesting that fatty meats, such as pork, may trigger migraine attacks, but this is not entirely clear. He states, "The issue of fatty meats is subject to questioning and study. If a person suffers from migraines, they should follow a vegetarian diet, as some studies suggest this brings relief. However, fatty meats are not the strongest factor in triggering migraines."

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