Title: Israel Kills Perpetrator of Tel Aviv Attack

Israeli security forces reported this morning, Friday, that they killed the perpetrator of the attack that occurred yesterday, Thursday, in downtown Tel Aviv after a chase that lasted several hours. Security officials stated, "The terrorist who carried out the armed attack yesterday in Tel Aviv has been located and neutralized," according to "Sky News Arabia." The officials clarified that "the man, a Palestinian from the West Bank, was killed near a mosque in the Jaffa neighborhood," as reported by "France Press."

Israeli media had reported yesterday that two people were killed and others were injured in a shooting attack in Tel Aviv, while the police continued to pursue the assailant. Footage broadcast by Israeli television showed a large number of police officers and emergency service personnel at the attack site in the city center. According to the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz," the shooting occurred in several locations on Dizengoff Street, one of the busiest areas in Tel Aviv. The newspaper quoted a senior police official stating that security forces shot one of the attackers, while the pursuit of another continued.

The police urged local residents to stay away from the pursuit areas and also advised them not to approach windows while the operation was ongoing. Gunfire was heard in the Tel Aviv port area, in an incident that adds to other attacks recorded in Israel recently, amid fears of escalating violence.

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