
Daily Computer Movement Reveals Your Personality

Daily Computer Movement Reveals Your Personality

You might think that everyone moves their computer mouse in the same way, but that is not the case. More importantly, the type of movement a person makes in this area reflects their personality. Researchers at the University of Chicago analyzed the mouse movements of 791 individuals who were asked to use the mouse for a specific image-related task on a computer, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail."

The researchers concluded that there are slight differences among individuals in how they move the mouse, which reveals a facet of each person's personality. They used a program to measure how participants utilized the computer mouse, analyzing factors such as movement speed, clicks, and pauses.

Later, participants were asked to fill out a "Big Five" personality questionnaire, commonly used by psychologists to measure traits that indicate whether a person may be neurotic, open, agreeable, extraverted, or conscientious. When the researchers compared personality types with mouse test results, they found a correlation between the two.

The lead researcher in the study, Kimberly Maedebauer, stated, "Having fewer unnecessary clicks, slower mouse movement, and more pausing indicates that a person is more open, kind, and conscientious, and less neurotic."

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