
Space Rocket Out of Control and Might Crash to Earth Soon

Space Rocket Out of Control and Might Crash to Earth Soon

The massive rocket launched by China last Thursday has gone out of control while orbiting the Earth and could fall to its surface in the coming days, according to "Space News." The 21-ton rocket is the main stage of China's "Long March 5B" rocket.

China launched the rocket to carry the first module of a new space station it is constructing in space. According to the site, China has allowed its rocket to orbit the Earth uncontrollably instead of designating a specific spot for its descent into the ocean, as is customary.

The site quoted astronomer Jonathan McDowell, who tracks objects orbiting the Earth, saying, "I think, based on current metrics, it is unacceptable to allow it to return to (the atmosphere) uncontrolled." The site reports that debris from the rocket, after burning up in the atmosphere, might fall into the oceans that cover most of the Earth's surface; however, it still poses a threat to populated areas.

China has launched the main module of its first permanent space station, which will host astronauts for the long term, marking the latest success of a program that has achieved several of China's growing ambitions in recent years. The "Tianhe" module, or "Heavenly Harmony," was sent into space via the "Long March 5B" rocket from the Wenchang launch center in the southern island province of Hainan.

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