Arab World

Jordanian Army Thwarts Attempt of Two Individuals to Infiltrate from Syrian Territory

Jordanian Army Thwarts Attempt of Two Individuals to Infiltrate from Syrian Territory

The General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces announced that the Northern Military Region thwarted an attempt by two individuals to cross from Syrian territory into Jordanian territory.

According to a statement from an official military source within the General Command, the Northern Military Region, on one of its fronts, prevented the infiltration of two individuals from Syria into Jordan. The source confirmed that "rules of engagement were applied, and the individuals were captured and handed over to the relevant authorities." The source also stated that the Jordanian Armed Forces, "the Arab Army," will respond with strength and firmness to any infiltration or smuggling attempts to protect the borders and prevent any actions that could disturb Jordan's national security.

It is noteworthy that this infiltration occurred a day after the Syrian army entered the town of Tafas in the Daraa countryside, following an agreement reached a few days prior. The Sana agency reported that army units had begun to deploy and establish guard posts "to restore security and stability in the town in preparation for the return of all state institutions to operate." The agreement followed negotiations between what is known as the central committee in the city and the Syrian army, which took place after clashes erupted when the army demanded the surrender of wanted individuals.

According to opposition media, the agreement involved halting a military operation that the army had prepared by sending military reinforcements, in exchange for the handover of medium-sized weapons recently seen in the city and the inspection of farms on its outskirts, with a commitment not to carry out any arrests during the searches. The agreement also included "reactivating the Civil Status Department in the police station building of the city of Tafas."

Additionally, Syrian security agencies launched a wide-scale operation in the town of Ayriqa in the western Suweida countryside, aimed at freeing civilian hostages held by armed gangs to instigate fear, disrupt security in the province, and extort monetary ransoms. The relevant authorities, in cooperation with the locals, surrounded the town early on Monday, January 11, to prevent the escape of those wanted for kidnapping, robbery, and harassment of citizens, starting a search of the town for militants belonging to those gangs, their weapons, and the locations where hostages were being held.

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