
Director of a Spa Reveals Her Top Tips to Reduce Anxiety

Director of a Spa Reveals Her Top Tips to Reduce Anxiety

A spa director revealed her unique tips to help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail, Penny Weston, who works at the Moddershall Oaks Country Spa Retreat & MADE Wellness in Staffordshire, shared her key advice for alleviating worries and negative thoughts:

**Blow a Balloon**

According to the spa director, a change in our breathing pattern is often the first physical sign that our bodies are feeling anxious. To bring your breath back to a calmer, deeper state, try blowing up a balloon. By doing this, you'll be forced to breathe as you should, activating the diaphragm and breathing slowly and deeply.

**Nasal Activation**

Penny recommends incorporating essential oils into your daily routine to reduce tension. She says, "We integrate strong, calming essential oils like lavender or bergamot into our treatment menu at the center, and this can also be done at home. These soothing scents can enhance the effects of the GABA chemical in the brain on neurons to encourage relaxation and relieve stress."

**Eat Bananas**

Bananas are rich in potassium, a fantastic nutrient for our health. Potassium not only sends more oxygen to the brain but also helps regulate blood pressure and reduce stress. It has also been shown that potassium helps muscles relax and prevents cramping, which is ideal when you’re feeling tense.

**Break Something**

Penny suggests an unconventional yet satisfying tip: release any pent-up anxiety or repressed feelings by breaking something. She mentions that smashing a plate in a safe environment can significantly improve your mood.


Singing some musical notes can relax tense muscles, warm up your vocal cords, and improve airflow to your lungs. Humming also helps control inhalation and exhalation levels, which is particularly beneficial for steady breathing.

**Play with Pets**

Pets, especially household animals like dogs and cats, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while alleviating feelings of loneliness. Pets can help distract from negative thoughts and encourage more touching and fun interaction.

**Solve Puzzles**

Puzzles can also be a great option if you regularly suffer from anxiety, as problem-solving is known to reduce feelings of nervousness. Completing a puzzle also feels rewarding and can help combat negative feelings, such as moodiness or anxiety.


When we smile, we often think of happy memories and forget any thoughts causing anxiety. As a result, our brains produce genuine feelings of happiness. When we smile, our brains release small molecules called neuropeptides to help combat stress.

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