Arab World

Title: Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs: The UN Must Deter Israel from Using Lebanese Airspace for Its Aggressions

Title: Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs: The UN Must Deter Israel from Using Lebanese Airspace for Its Aggressions

The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs in the caretaker government, Zeina Akkar, condemned in a statement the "aggressions and violations perpetrated by the Israeli enemy at night starting from 11:40 on 19/8/2021, during which enemy Israeli aircraft conducted flights over Lebanon, firing missiles from hostile warplanes from Lebanese airspace in a blatant manner, targeting locations in Syria at low altitude, which caused panic among Lebanese citizens. This posed a direct and serious threat to Lebanese navigation and the safety of civil aviation due to violations of the airspace adjacent to Beirut Airport and in direct contact with civilian flight paths." She affirmed that "this also constitutes a blatant violation of international resolutions, particularly Resolution 1701, and a threat to security, stability, and peace in Lebanon, as well as a violation of Lebanese sovereignty." Minister Akkar sent a complaint through Lebanon's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Amal Mudallali, regarding the Israeli violations and called on the United Nations to deter Israel from committing these violations again and using Lebanese airspace to carry out its aggressions against Syrian territory.

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