
Dima Bayaa Struggles with COVID-19 Complications After Recovery

Dima Bayaa Struggles with COVID-19 Complications After Recovery

Syrian actress Dima Bayaa appeared in a video on Instagram, revealing the complications she is experiencing from the coronavirus following her recovery from the illness.

Bayaa stated that she is suffering from a deficiency in iron after undergoing some medical tests, expressing this by saying, "I checked my iron levels, and they are very low, meaning I have no blood." The Syrian actress added that she will undergo treatment and receive necessary vitamins under her specialist doctor’s supervision, confirming that the reason for her iron deficiency is the complications of COVID-19. She emphasized that although she contracted the virus some time ago and has recovered from it, she has not escaped its complications.

Dima Bayaa sent a message to all those who have recovered from COVID-19, urging them to get tested after recovery to ensure their health, adding: "For everyone who contracted COVID-19, my advice is to do a comprehensive test and see what you are lacking." She clarified that her iron and vitamin levels were good before her infection, but after contracting and recovering from the virus, she experienced this issue, stressing the importance of not taking the matter lightly.

It is noteworthy that Dima Bayaa announced her infection with the virus last December, as she published an awareness video on her Instagram about how to regain the sense of smell and taste for those recovering from the virus, discussing her COVID-19 experience and how she recovered from it but lost her senses of smell and taste. She shared with her followers the remedy she used to restore these senses, which is called "Jamaican." This remedy involves taking one orange, grilling it, peeling it, placing it in a cup with sugar, and then eating it hot, which according to her, restores the senses of taste and smell.

Dima Bayaa's latest works include the series "Bebasata Part 1," directed by Saif al-Din Subaihi, and written by Rana Al-Hariri, Mazen Taha, among others. She also participated in the Damascus environment series "Salasil Al-Dhahab" in 2019, written by Saif Reda Hamed and directed by Iyad Nahas.

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