Avoid Yellow When Painting Your Bedroom: Here's Why

The role of paint and furniture colors extends beyond home aesthetics; it also impacts the mood of the inhabitants. Therefore, it's crucial to choose interior colors wisely.

An interior design expert shared the color to avoid when painting the bedroom, stating that you will wake up angry if your room is painted yellow. A British bed manufacturing company, Rest, conducted research alongside leading UK color expert Karen Haller on the best colors for bedroom painting and those to avoid. The study found that monochromatic colors tended to be less popular.

Karen explained the importance of color in expressing an individual's personality, noting, "People use colors to show how they feel and to express their unique personality, especially among millennials. There is a significant shift in energy globally right now, and we are all becoming increasingly confident. Rather than following what others do, we are saying it's okay to be different, whether in the clothes we wear or how we decorate our homes."

She advised homeowners to steer clear of yellow in the bedroom, saying, "Avoid yellow in the bedroom. You will notice that hotels never use it; yellow affects the nervous system. Ideally, you want a good and restful sleep at night, but with yellow, you will wake up agitated."

**What Are the Preferred Paint Colors?**

Soft green topped the survey as the most comfortable and relaxing color, with Karen linking green to "safety," making it the ideal bedroom color. Following that is soft pink, which people find physically soothing and associate with care and compassion.

Karen explained why many people choose gray for their bedrooms, stating, "When we return to gray, we lower emotional connection. In times of political and economic uncertainty, people shy away from vibrant colors and turn to neutral colors like gray."

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