
"Forces" Firmly Declares: We Will Not Accept This President!

It has become clear that there are preparations intensifying for rounds of movements and consultations related to the presidential election, as the summer patriarchal residence in Diman witnesses significant activity due to its influential role in the presidential process. There are expectations that the communications initiated to shape the presidential election will intensify successively and incrementally as the countdown begins for the constitutional deadline for electing the President of the Republic starting at midnight on August 31 to September 1.

In this context, following a meeting in Clemenceau between the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, and a senior delegation from Hezbollah, communication is underway with the opposition deputies to the dual alliance of the presidency and Hezbollah. This will take on new dimensions, driven by the Lebanese Forces, keen on reaching out to all opponents whether they are reformists, independents, or party members to unite ranks and prevent the March 8 candidate from reaching Baabda. Information indicated that these communications will involve the Jumblatt-led "Druze" region, which rejects being viewed from the other camp, especially since Jumblatt announced that there are differences with Hezbollah. The leader of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, will hold a press conference today to discuss developments related to the presidential election.

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