
Laura Abu As'ad and Her Sister Maysoun Mourning Their Father's Death

Laura Abu As'ad and Her Sister Maysoun Mourning Their Father's Death

The father of Syrian actresses Laura Abu As'ad and Maysoun Abu As'ad passed away yesterday, Friday, at the age of seventy-five due to a sudden heart attack.

Laura Abu As'ad shared a photo with her father and captioned it saying, "Life has challenged you many times, but you always kept this smile on your face. Yesterday, you left with this smile; this is what my mother told me. He engaged in his daily exercise, prayed for dinner, and joked with her before suddenly closing his eyes. You lived kindly, peacefully, faithfully, self-made, content, and you left content." She concluded by saying, "May God's mercy be upon you. I learned from you to believe in fate, but the shock of separation has a bitter and painful taste... We belong to God and to Him we shall return."

Her sister, actress Maysoun Abu As'ad, also shared a picture of the obituary on Facebook and commented, "Oh Dad, my dear, I never thought it would feel like this. May God have mercy on you and grant you His paradise, thank God for everything."

Both actresses received condolences from many of their colleagues, most notably Dima Jundi, who said, "May God have mercy on him and give you patience, may you have a long life, my dear." Wael Sharaf extended his condolences saying, "He looks very kind, you can see it in their faces. We belong to God and to Him we shall return." Other condolences came from Amal Arafa, Kinda Alloush, Sulaf Fawakherji, Caris Bashar, and many others.

It is noteworthy that condolences are expected to take place only through social media and phone calls in compliance with COVID-19 protocols.

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