
In Lebanon.. The Holiday "For Some and Not for Others"

In Lebanon.. The Holiday

"Holiday, in what condition have you returned, O Holiday?" is a phrase that Lebanese people repeat with the arrival of each holiday for some time now, as conditions change from bad to worse. There is no doubt that the circumstances for Lebanese people were relatively better last year, and current conditions might be better than those next year, perhaps if the same practices that brought the country to this low continue and further "revenge" on Lebanon as we once knew it.

With the start of summer and coinciding with the Eid al-Adha, the economy is witnessing a decent movement regarding tourism, characterized by an increasing daily number of Lebanese returning from abroad. This intensifies the disparity in living conditions, making the holiday "for some and not for others," raising many questions about who is seeking solutions to prevent the continuation of political paralysis.

In this context, as expected, the process of forming a government has stalled; the designated Prime Minister Najib Mikati has not visited President Michel Aoun in the last two weeks, indicating that discussions have halted and no progress has been made. This signals a very difficult and complicated formation process awaits the Lebanese, still in its early stages, and there may not be a government in the foreseeable future given the opposing conditions.

In this framework, Aoun's position in his holiday message to the Lebanese was notable, as he pointed out that "on this blessed Eid al-Adha, we draw lessons from the meanings of sacrifice and its nobility. It would be wonderful if some would sacrifice their interests and selfishness for the benefit of their country and the happiness of its people." Political sources indicated through "Anbaa" that this was a message to Mikati to sacrifice for the formation, but his message bounced back on Aoun himself in light of the conditions he imposes for signing the government lineup, including his team's retention of the Ministry of Energy. It would be prudent for Aoun to glean the meanings of Eid al-Adha himself and sacrifice positions, shares, and factional interests for the benefit of all Lebanese.

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