
Hamiye Discusses Port Reconstruction and Railway File with French Ambassador

Hamiye Discusses Port Reconstruction and Railway File with French Ambassador

As part of a series of meetings with several ambassadors accredited to Lebanon, Minister of Public Works and Transport in the caretaker government, Dr. Ali Hamiyeh, received the French Ambassador Anne Grillo at his office. They discussed the reconstruction of the Port of Beirut, emphasizing Hamiyeh's interest in involving all stakeholders from countries and global companies in the reconstruction efforts.

Hamiyeh noted that meetings and communications regarding the reconstruction of the Port of Beirut are ongoing, affirming to the ambassador that the decision to proceed with the reconstruction is irreversible. He welcomed all companies willing to fund the reconstruction, as securing financing and setting specifications must progress in parallel. He highlighted that "the general master plan for the port and the preparation of a new legal framework for the ports across Lebanon are nearing completion," expressing a commitment to attracting investments in this sector for optimal use of every square meter of land.

Hamiyeh also stated that the role of the Port of Beirut as a competitor is indispensable compared to its peers on the eastern Mediterranean coast, adding that it is time to test the seriousness of the studies and projects proposed by both global and local companies alike. He emphasized that he would continue meetings with other ambassadors interested in the same matter.

Additionally, he mentioned that discussions with Ambassador Grillo also covered the topic of railways and the strategic role of activating Lebanese seaports, working on preparing a new legal framework for transportation that considers the partnership between the public and private sectors, positioning the state as the regulator while the private sector acts as the operator to ensure integrated operations between both sectors.

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