
France: Woman Dies and Others Injured Due to Gas Leak Explosion

France: Woman Dies and Others Injured Due to Gas Leak Explosion

Authorities in Bordeaux, France, announced the death of an 88-year-old woman yesterday, Saturday, resulting from a violent explosion likely caused by a gas leak in the building where she lived in the city center of southwestern France.

The French press agency reported that the loud explosion was heard shortly after eight o'clock in the morning, with the cause remaining unknown. This explosion, which may have been gas-related, led to the destruction of the small building located in the central Chartrons area, which included a ground-level parking lot and two partially inhabited floors. The woman's body was found after a day of intensive searches amid the rubble of the building in difficult and hazardous conditions for rescue workers, according to the Gironde regional administration.

Colonel Philippe Isselin Lin from the fire department stated that rescue personnel found the woman "lifeless" shortly before 8:00 PM. About 75 firefighters were dispatched, assisted by five dog teams and a debris removal unit to the closed-off surrounding area.

The mayor, who belongs to the Green party, Pierre Hurmic, stated that eleven people in shock from neighboring buildings were relocated to relatives or will be offered "other solutions" for housing. Initial reports mentioned three people were injured, two were missing, and several shop fronts were damaged with debris scattered in the street.

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