
Shocking Number: Omicron Can Spread to This Many People with One Sneeze

Shocking Number: Omicron Can Spread to This Many People with One Sneeze

Vladimir Polubok, a specialist in immunology, stated that a carrier of the "Omicron" variant of the coronavirus can transmit the infection to about one hundred people with just one sneeze. Polubok said in a television interview: "Until now, we haven't had such a type of infection. Measles was considered the most infectious disease, but Omicron has surpassed it even in this regard." He noted that this variant of the virus spreads extremely effectively through the air via respiratory secretions, such as coughing from one person to another.

He continued, "I believe that even during normal conversation, breathing, and yawning, droplets containing particles from saliva and mucus can be released, which contain enough viruses to infect another person. If someone coughs or sneezes by themselves, that amount is enough to transmit the infection to one hundred others." The doctor emphasized that "Omicron" is particularly dangerous for children.

Yesterday, Anna Popova, head of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing "Rospotrebnadzor," announced that the "Omicron" strain had been recorded in 13 Russian regions. She noted that 305 cases of this variant had been found in the country. According to her, cases of this strain entering Russia have been recorded from 25 countries.

For his part, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko mentioned that the situation with the spread of "Omicron" in other countries is extremely difficult; therefore, a maximum readiness state is being imposed on the healthcare system in Russia.

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