
Ziad Hayek Announces Candidacy for the Presidency

Ziad Hayek Announces Candidacy for the Presidency

Ziad Hayek, the former Secretary-General of the Higher Council for Privatization, announced his candidacy for the presidency during a press conference at the "Le Royal" hotel in Dhour Choueir, attended by economists, legal experts, and media representatives. Hayek stated, "The decision to run for the presidency comes nearly three years after the onset of the financial crisis and two years after the crime of the Beirut port explosion, during which no one has taken action, except for the decision to stop Lebanon from paying debts and obligations, which has increased the country's bankruptcy and collapse. This reality specifically calls for new faces and a new approach."

He added, "I announce my candidacy today because I see in myself the qualifications that I personally believe the future president should possess. In my opinion, the President of the Republic should be homegrown and not the product of any initiative from outside the borders, to prioritize Lebanon's interests above all."

He continued, "My beloved ones, my family, the sons of my country, the cedars of Lebanon are not made of wood. You are the cedars of Lebanon, each one of you a wonderful cedar on its land and in the world. Just as the cedar withstands the cold and storms, you have resisted every occupation and preserved your homeland, and just like that, you are currently resisting psychological, economic, and even environmental pressures."

Hayek elaborated, "Politics is the art of the possible, and we should strive to avoid rigid and hardened positions. I came here today to ask you to resist the farce of pre-packaged elections. I came to request your help in urging your representatives to change their traditional approach to the presidential elections. Ask them to listen to their consciences and to vote for the vision and program that I have presented, so that we can together spread the fragrance of cedar throughout this country and the entire world."

He explained his program through a short film showcasing his biography, highlighting his qualifications, studies, and academic and technical experience in economics, politics, and diplomacy. He emphasized his commitment to "the banner of prosperity, security, and human dignity," asserting that "hard work can save Lebanon and achieve the best for its people by adopting pragmatic qualities focused on achieving goals rather than hindering and wasting time and opportunities." In conclusion, Hayek answered questions from the audience.

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