
Fawz Al Fahd Responds to Negative Comments After Expressing Her Depression

Fawz Al Fahd Responds to Negative Comments After Expressing Her Depression

The Kuwaiti fashionista Fawz Al Fahd expressed her deep sadness and experience with depression in a message posted on her social media accounts.

Fawz wrote: "I seek forgiveness from God, the last two days have been strange, filled with unnatural gloom and discomfort. I'm upset about many things happening around me, and what upsets me more is that one can no longer speak or express anything, which is the hardest part in any circumstance. As the year ends, I get flashes of everything that has happened to me; this year has been the toughest year for me and surely for many others as well." She added, "For me, many things have changed in my interests, priorities, and thinking. I hope this year will be kinder to us and bring us blessings, O Lord. I hope we all have learned one thing this year: that nothing remains the same."

Despite most of her fans expressing sympathy, she was surprised by a follower's comment: "I hope you’ve learned that illicit wealth does not last, I feel you are one of the most despicable people." Fawz responded, "Feel free, there’s a new breed that emerged in 2020, what a shame."

It is noteworthy that Fawz Al Fahd was recently one of the names implicated in a money laundering case in Kuwait, according to some media sources.

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