
Riya Shi: We Are Working on a National Front that Will Emerge Soon

Riya Shi: We Are Working on a National Front that Will Emerge Soon

MP Melhem Riachi revealed that "we are working on a national front that will emerge soon." Riachi emphasized in a conversation with Lebanon Files that the importance of a parliamentary position lies in its role as a source of authority and its direct relation to the source of power, which is the people. He pointed out that the patriarchal neutrality project he has adopted is fundamental for him, and the number of believers in it helps today in establishing the Patriarchal Neutrality Foundation in Lebanon and working on it with relevant countries and MPs from all sects and political directions, aiming to coincide with legislative efforts to implement it in the Parliament.

Riachi addressed the living conditions, affirming that Christians are in urgent need of agreements that empower them to strengthen their position to create national balances, noting that the evidence for this is the first government in the term of President Michel Aoun, which managed to create a national balance due to the presence of the Christian duo. From this perspective, Riachi discusses Christian and national agreements, asserting that collaborations with the Kataeb Party can be parliamentary and evolve into political agreements at a minimum.

He stated, "No reconciliation is needed with the Kataeb as occurred with the Free Patriotic Movement. Although there is no direct contact between Forces leader Samir Geagea and Kataeb leader Sami Gemayel, there is coordination between the Kataeb and George Adwan, the head of the Forces' parliamentary bloc. Our hand remains extended to the Kataeb on equal terms and will continue to be extended to them and others."

Regarding the Free Patriotic Movement, Riachi indicates that trust is nonexistent, and there needs to be an agreement on the project because trust requires rebuilding, especially after it collapsed at the beginning of the term. Riachi referred to the German proverb about a move in injury time in a chess game that allows for strategic waiting, translating that into ensuring the daily needs of citizens today, such as medicine, electricity, and diesel.

Riachi confirmed that we are on the brink of forming a government after the elections, while also ruling out the possibility of a war with Israel. He called for a Lebanese sovereign front that transcends sects to confront all the dangers facing Lebanon amidst the presence of illegal arms, pointing out that this is a genuine initiative of the Forces that began with the work at Ma'raab.

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