
Two American Warships Cross the Taiwan Strait... Chinese Military Monitors

Two American Warships Cross the Taiwan Strait... Chinese Military Monitors

Two American warships crossed the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, as announced by the U.S. Navy, marking the first such move since China conducted unprecedented military exercises around the island. The Navy stated in a release that the passage of the ships "demonstrates the United States' commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific," according to the French news agency AFP.

In an initial response, the Chinese military stated today that it is "monitoring" U.S. Navy vessels sailing through the Taiwan Strait and will remain "in a state of high alert to deter any provocations." Tensions in the Taiwan Strait peaked following a visit by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taipei in early August, which incited an angry reaction from Beijing, prompting the largest military drills it has ever conducted around the island.

On August 12, Washington announced its intention to strengthen trade relations with Taiwan, affirming its right to operate freely in the air and sea lanes that separate the island from China, in response to Beijing's "provocative" behavior. Kurt Campbell, the White House coordinator for Asia-Pacific affairs and advisor to President Joe Biden, stated on that day that Beijing had exploited Pelosi's visit "to launch an intensive pressure campaign on Taiwan, aiming to change the status quo and jeopardize peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the broader region."

He declared that U.S. forces will assert their right to operate in international airspace and waters between China and Taiwan, including "routine air and sea transits through the Taiwan Strait in the coming weeks." China considers Taiwan an integral part of its territory and threatens to reclaim it, even by force if necessary.

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