
Title: "The 'Poison' Trader Beyond the Borders... Protected By Whom?"


There are suspicions regarding specific political protection granted to the "Merchant of Death," known as "Abu Sella," as there are party-related entities that allegedly secured his escape after the confrontation that took place with the army on the first day of raids, after which he completely disappeared from sight, contrary to various narratives surrounding his fate. The Lebanese army announced in the morning through its Twitter account that its units are carrying out raids in Sharawna as part of the campaign against drug dealers.

In this context, security sources speculate that "Abu Sella" fled outside the borders through one of the illegal crossings, revealing in a private conversation with the "Akhbar Al-Yawm" agency that he will not cross Lebanese territory again to resume his drug trade due to his serious injuries. He is well aware of the Lebanese security agencies' determination to capture him, especially after the recent operation in which a soldier was killed, along with several wounded.

Moreover, the same sources add that drug smuggling networks are active beyond the Lebanese borders, led by individuals from that region, whose leaders possess social and security influence and share strong ties with security officials who may have provided the necessary protection and shelter for "Abu Sella."

According to information from "Akhbar Al-Yawm," Abu Sella exited through one of the crossings at "Hosh Sayid Ali" in Hermel heading west to the crossings in Al-Qaa until the borders of Saqiyeh Jousiyeh extending over 22 kilometers. The easy and flat terrain, along with the intermingling of Lebanese villages within Syrian territory along the border, facilitated his transfer after his serious injury. The information also indicates that all residents of these villages belong to tribal groups, and it is not unlikely that some of "Abu Sella's" friends who reside there and are drug traffickers significantly contributed to his escape.

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