Arab World

Clarification from Internal Security Forces Regarding Events in Tripoli

Clarification from Internal Security Forces Regarding Events in Tripoli

The Internal Security Forces issued a clarification regarding the ongoing events in Tripoli.

The clarification stated that there is a persistent effort by the protesters to storm the government palace, which resulted in the throwing of grenades at the personnel, injuring several of them. The Internal Security Forces indicated that the grenades launched at the personnel are military hand grenades, not sound grenades or Molotov cocktails, resulting in injuries to 9 members, including 3 officers, one of whom is in critical condition. The Internal Security Forces warned that they will deal with the attackers with utmost firmness and resolution using all available means in accordance with the law.

The clarification emphasized that the demonstrators have escalated their acts of rioting and throwing Molotov cocktails, which has led to the burning and damage of several vehicles. The Internal Security Forces of Lebanon urge the demonstrators to withdraw immediately and not to enter the government palace in Tripoli to ensure their safety, as the Internal Security will be compelled to defend using legal means.

The National News Agency reported that additional reinforcements from the Internal Security Forces have arrived at the Tripoli palace to prevent the protesters from entering, while clashes continue. The agency noted that the security forces intermittently fire shots into the air and use tear gas to disperse the protesters, who are throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the security forces.

The agency clarified that the protesters moved from the front entrance to the rear entrance of the Tripoli palace, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the building, which resulted in two cars catching fire next to the palace's back door. The riot control forces managed to push the protesters away from the Tripoli palace, moving towards Abdul Hamid Karami Square and worked to disperse them towards the surrounding side streets using tear gas while the protesters continue to throw stones at the security forces.

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