
Title: "Her Presence is a Problem"... Will Biden Exclude Russia from the G20?


As part of a series of sanctions imposed over the past few weeks on Russia due to its military operation in Ukraine, the United States and its Western allies are considering the possibility of excluding Russia from the G20 group of major economies. Sources involved in the discussions confirmed to Reuters today, Wednesday, that discussions are ongoing regarding this matter, despite the likelihood of rejection from other countries in the group, including China and India.

A senior official in the group noted that there have been discussions about whether it is appropriate for Moscow to remain part of the G20, adding, "If you exclude them, the organization will become less useful." Meanwhile, another official in the group ruled out the possibility that Indonesia or members like India, Brazil, South Africa, and China would agree to exclude Russia. Additionally, another official from an Asian country in the group stated that "it is impossible to remove Moscow unless it makes that decision itself," adding, "There simply is no procedure to deprive it of its membership."

In a related context, a source from the European Union confirmed that Russia's status will be discussed in the upcoming G20 meetings, which are currently chaired by Indonesia. The source stated, "We have made it clear to Indonesia that Russia's presence in the upcoming ministerial meetings will be a major issue for European countries." However, the source pointed out that there is no clear process for excluding a country from the organization.

This information comes after National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan confirmed to reporters at the White House on Tuesday that "things cannot go on as usual for Moscow in international institutions and in the international community." Nonetheless, he clarified that the United States plans to consult with its allies before making any further statements.

It is noteworthy that the G20, along with the smaller G7 group—which includes only the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom—comprises a major international forum for coordinating everything from climate change measures to cross-border debt. The G7 was previously expanded to become the G8 by including Russia during a period of improved relations in the early 2000s. However, its membership was suspended indefinitely after Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Since the start of the military operation in Ukraine on February 24, Moscow has faced a wave of international sanctions led by Western countries, aimed at isolating it from the global economy, particularly including its exclusion from the global SWIFT banking system and restrictions on its central bank's dealings, as well as its international isolation and removal from active international organizations.

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