
Amr Diab's Reaction to a Blind Girl Presenting Him a Braille Letter

Amr Diab's Reaction to a Blind Girl Presenting Him a Braille Letter

The blind girl "Sara" expressed her joy that her performance caught the admiration of the Egyptian star Amr Diab, as she played one of his songs that he shared with his followers just hours ago on his Instagram account. She conveyed her happiness through a message dedicated to him.

This comes after Sara appeared in a video playing the piano to the song "Ya Ana Ya La" by Amr Diab, saying before her performance: "Peace be upon you. Today I will play you the song 'Let's Enjoy'." Sara’s gift to him was in Braille, which he shared on his Instagram account, expressing his love for her and stating that her message was the most beautiful he had ever received.

In her message written in Braille, Sara wrote: "Dedicated to Amr Diab, the plateau... I am very happy that you liked the performance of the song. Thank you for the video.. Sara Ahmed Hamdi," to which Amr Diab responded: "This is the best thank you I have received in my life.. Thank you, Sara, you talented moon."

Amr Diab shared a video early Wednesday morning on Instagram, which attracted nearly a million views, where he showed his support for Sara's talent, commenting: "Bravo Sara, my dear." Followers also expressed their support for the girl's talent. The song "Ya Ana Ya La," featured in Amr Diab's new album, has achieved noticeable success and is written by Ayman Bahgat Qamar, composed by Mohamed Yahya, and arranged by Adel Haqi.

Amr Diab had celebrated his new album in Dubai, collaborating with several prominent composers and lyricists, notably Ayman Bahgat Qamar, Tamer Hussein, Turki Al-Sheikh, Khaled Ezz, Mohamed Yahya, Adel Haqi, while the mixing and digital master was done by Amir Mohrous, with sound recording by Andrew Dawood and Sheri Shokry. He was keen to perform "Ya Ana Ya La" live for the first time, receiving great interaction from the audience.

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