
Kim Calls for Strengthening the Military Amid Preparations for North Korean Nuclear Test

Kim Calls for Strengthening the Military Amid Preparations for North Korean Nuclear Test

Official media reported on Friday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un urged his country's military to "enhance its strength by all means to annihilate the enemy," as new satellite images revealed increasing preparations for a potential nuclear test. Kim made these statements during photo sessions with troops, state media broadcasters, and others who participated in a grand military parade held on Monday to mark the 90th anniversary of the army's founding.

The parade featured several of North Korea's latest missiles, including its largest intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-17, and a recently tested hypersonic missile. The Korean Central News Agency noted that the parade demonstrated "the modernity, heroism, and radical development of the armed forces of the republic and its unparalleled military and technological superiority."

Pyongyang claims it rejects war and that the purpose of its weapons is self-defense; however, Kim stated during the parade on Monday that the mission of the country's nuclear force extends beyond deterring war to also include defending the "fundamental interests" of the nation.

North Korea resumed testing its largest intercontinental ballistic missiles last month, and there are indications it may soon test a nuclear weapon for the first time since 2017. The Center for Strategic and International Studies, based in the United States, reported on Thursday that "current satellite images indicate that preparations are well underway and should not be dismissed as insignificant activity."

South Korean and U.S. analysts and officials noted that North Korea appears to be refurbishing Tunnel No. 3 at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site, which was used for underground nuclear explosions before being closed in 2018 amid nuclear disarmament talks with Washington and Seoul. Kim has since stated that the country is no longer bound by the voluntary moratorium on tests, but Pyongyang has not commented on the ongoing work or confirmed its purpose.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies reported that images captured by commercial satellites on Monday show new buildings being constructed, wooden planks being transported, and an increase in equipment at the new entrance to Tunnel No. 3.

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