
The Reason You Should Eat Dates Before Drinking Water During Iftar

The Reason You Should Eat Dates Before Drinking Water During Iftar

Nutrition consultant Dr. Munirah Fattani explained that the wisdom behind starting iftar with dates instead of water is that water merely quenches thirst, but does not prepare the stomach for breaking the fast, unlike dates which help quickly balance blood sugar levels. It is health-wise recommended to start iftar with three dates, followed by a cup of water, then a little soup, and after performing the prayer, one can continue with the meal, ensuring to include a salad with the main dish.

She continued to say that consuming fresh dates or dried dates at the start of iftar provides the body with a significant amount of sugars, alleviating symptoms of low blood sugar and energizing the body. The emptiness of the stomach and intestines allows them to absorb these simple sugars quickly. Since dates and fresh dates contain sugars in a chemically simple form, their digestion is very easy; two-thirds of the sugars in dates are in a simple chemical form, thus blood sugar levels balance in a short time.

According to Okaz newspaper, she indicated that daily consumption of dates at iftar provides many benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, as dates provide soluble fiber that can lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood, helping to prevent the buildup of fatty cholesterol deposits on arterial walls (known as atherosclerosis) and reducing the risk of heart disease. Additional benefits include acquiring antioxidants, as dates provide numerous antioxidants that offer various health benefits, including lowering the risk of several diseases like Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, and some types of cancer.

Dr. Munirah added that dates provide essential nutrients, as consuming four dates (around 100 grams) offers 27% of the daily recommended intake of fiber and 20% of the daily recommended intake of potassium. Furthermore, eating dates helps prevent constipation due to their dietary fiber, which supports digestive health by preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

Dr. Munirah concluded by stating that starting iftar with dates alleviates the intensity of the fasting person's hunger, which helps them avoid consuming large amounts of food during the meal. Dates also provide the body with energy in the form of fructose and glucose, which the body needs after fasting. Therefore, it is advised to start iftar with dates, rather than water or any sugary juices.

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