
Frunenska: The Elections are a Crucial Opportunity and the Choice Now Lies with the Lebanese People

Frunenska: The Elections are a Crucial Opportunity and the Choice Now Lies with the Lebanese People

The United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Yuna Frunenska, commented on the upcoming election on May 15, stating that the UN hopes for it to bring about a pivotal change and the arrival of new faces in Parliament capable of continuing the path set on October 17, 2019. Frunenska noted that the technical support provided by the UN for the electoral process includes securing electricity, the ink used in voting, paper, training of responsible staff, and advice to polling station heads and representatives, as part of the UN Development Programme (UNDP). She clarified that there will be no practical role in monitoring the election; however, she will visit several centers on May 15 to observe the electoral process, with foreign diplomats also present in multiple areas to follow the voting process and ensure compliance with transparency standards and voter freedom, while making necessary observations.

The Special Coordinator emphasized to "Al-Jomhouria" that the choice now lies with the Lebanese people on whether they want change or not, stating that this election is a very important opportunity for them to express their choices in light of the significant crisis they are facing. She added, "We are ready to accompany the Lebanese in the decision they make this week." Regarding the UN's expectations for this election to bring about political change in the Lebanese authority, Frunenska focused on the idea that this electoral process is the beginning of a stage that will pave the way for future developments in Lebanon. She insisted that it is essential for the Lebanese to exercise their right and head to the ballot boxes in large numbers as they seek new and reformist faces in Parliament, highlighting that the primary role rests with the Lebanese people to shape their own future.

Concerning the post-election phase, Frunenska confirmed that the authorities in Lebanon must make every effort after May 15 to implement the necessary reforms both domestically and internationally through urgent actions to save what can be salvaged and to spare the Lebanese from more severe economic and living crises. She noted the presence of many candidates in various electoral districts, emphasizing that the UN encourages the entry of women into decision-making positions, which is crucial for enhancing the role of women at all levels. She stated, "We call on Lebanese youth to participate in shaping their future and to vote in large numbers to determine their choices and assume their responsibilities, especially since hope exists despite the ongoing difficulties."

Today, the Lebanese enter a decisive week leading up to elections that are expected to be a referendum on fateful choices, rather than an auction where they are bought today only to be sold tomorrow at negotiation and division tables.

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