
Libya: A Second Round of Voting for the Selection of the Presidential Council and Prime Minister

Libya: A Second Round of Voting for the Selection of the Presidential Council and Prime Minister

The acting UN envoy to Libya, Stephanie Williams, announced the resorting to a second round of voting on four lists to select the Presidential Council and Prime Minister in Libya, after the four lists failed to secure enough votes from members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum meeting in Geneva to win in the first round.

Participants in talks regarding Libya's political future held a vote today, Friday, to choose a new interim government as part of a UN-led process aimed at ending ten years of chaos in the country. The four candidates for the Libyan premiership have committed in writing to adhere to the roadmap agreed upon in Tunisia and to hold elections on December 24 of this year, where they are required to respect the results of the votes conducted by members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum and to consider forming the government based on competence, merit, fair political and geographical representation, and the participation of cultural components, women, and youth, with women's representation not to be less than 30% of the leadership positions in the government.

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya officially announced today that it had received four lists of candidates for the Libyan Presidential Council, expressing optimism regarding the diversity in the nominations for the new executive authority in the country. According to a statement from the UN support mission in Libya, the four lists—which obtained the required endorsements—were submitted as stipulated in the selection mechanism adopted by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum. Each list consists of four candidates: one for the presidency of the Libyan Presidential Council, two for council membership, and one for the premiership, according to the names of the four lists announced by the UN mission.

It is noteworthy that the statement from the meeting of the members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum today in Geneva for voting on the lists clarified that the minimum required for selection is 60% of the valid votes. The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum began in Switzerland's Geneva last Monday, in an effort to select members of the executive authority and to end the state of division that the country has been experiencing for years.

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