Arab World

Qatar's Foreign Minister: We Agree with Russia That Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan Should Be Independent of Political Developments

Qatar's Foreign Minister: We Agree with Russia That Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan Should Be Independent of Political Developments

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, affirmed that Qatar and Russia agree on the necessity of finding a solution to the situation in Afghanistan, and that humanitarian aid should be independent of any political developments. He added that the Taliban must coordinate to ensure the departure of those who wish to leave the country.

In a joint press conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow today, he emphasized the importance of stability and security in Afghanistan, and that the concerns of neighboring countries should be taken into account, expressing hope that the world will see the promises made by the Taliban fulfilled.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs clarified that both sides discussed the operations at Kabul International Airport, the need to establish a corridor for humanitarian aid, and support for freedom of movement, stressing the importance of international cooperation and consensus to support the ongoing process in Afghanistan.

He mentioned that the Qatari and Russian sides discussed bilateral relations in all fields, and that the joint Qatari-Russian committee meeting will be held before the end of the current year, noting the desire of both countries to strengthen trade relations.

He confirmed Qatar's desire to expand investment with Russia, especially after participating in the Saint Petersburg Forum, pointing out the importance of exchanging experiences regarding organizing sporting events, and expressed Qatar's aspiration to benefit from Russian expertise in this area.

He stated that both sides discussed the security situation in the Gulf, confirming that Qatar welcomes regional initiatives aimed at supporting stability and prosperity in the region. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs also noted that there is no solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict without international legitimacy resolutions and the realization of a two-state solution.

For his part, the Russian Foreign Minister stated that the Qatari and Russian sides seek to promote calm and stability in Afghanistan, explaining that they discussed international initiatives and visions regarding the stability of Afghanistan and are agreed and committed to accelerating the pace of these initiatives, particularly those concerning the humanitarian situation.

He welcomed the Qatari initiatives and efforts aimed at achieving stability and prosperity in Afghanistan, noting Qatar's effective role in Afghan-Afghan talks. He emphasized the importance of the role Qatar plays in continuing dialogue among Afghan parties and its efforts to see the Taliban's commitments realized, especially in forming a government that represents all Afghan society.

He pointed out that Qatar and Russia agree on the necessity of prioritizing the humanitarian situation and aid in Afghanistan, adding that both sides discussed concerns over the continued flow of refugees and its implications for neighboring countries, stressing the importance of international engagement and the collaboration of all in finding a solution to this.

The Russian Foreign Minister indicated that both sides discussed bilateral relations, as well as issues in the Middle East and North Africa, including Syria and the Palestinian issue. He confirmed that Qatar and Russia are interested and have a serious intention to develop and enhance relations in all areas.

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