Arab World

Sisi: The Sinai Incident Will Not Deter Our Resolve, We Will Uproot Terrorism

Sisi: The Sinai Incident Will Not Deter Our Resolve, We Will Uproot Terrorism

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi confirmed that the terrorist incident that occurred at a water lifting station in West Sinai will not diminish the resolve of the Egyptian state or its military in their war against terrorism. In a post on his social media page, Sisi stated that "the dedicated sons of Egypt respond to their nation's call with courage and sacrifice, continuing in a unique self-denial and unwavering belief in the principle of protecting the homeland," affirming that "these treacherous terrorist operations will not weaken the determination and resolve of the people of this nation and its armed forces to continue uprooting the roots of terrorism."

**International Condemnations of the Incident**

Meanwhile, condemnations of the incident continue, with Qatar expressing its strong condemnation and denunciation of the attack that resulted in the deaths of 11 military personnel, including an officer, and injured five others. The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated in a statement on Saturday "Qatar's steadfast position in rejecting violence and terrorism regardless of the motives and reasons."

For its part, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemned the attack, affirming Jordan's support for Egypt and its backing of all measures it takes to combat terrorism and extremism. The Palestinian presidency also condemned the incident, expressing solidarity with Egypt in its war against terrorism.

Additionally, the Arab Parliament condemned the incident and expressed its solidarity with Egypt in the measures it takes to ensure its security and stability. In a related context, Al-Azhar issued a statement strongly denouncing the terrorist attack, affirming "the unity of Egyptians alongside the army and police in the war against this malignant terrorism," reiterating its support for the efforts made by the army and police in confronting terrorism and uprooting it from its roots.

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