
Joumana Mourad Highlights Syrian Actresses and Steers Clear of Offending Lebanese Stars

Joumana Mourad Highlights Syrian Actresses and Steers Clear of Offending Lebanese Stars

Syrian actress Joumana Mourad appeared in an interview shared by some celebrity news pages, where she highlighted the actresses from her home country, Syria.

She explained that they have been wronged, saying, "Most of the stars from my country have been wronged, and despite everything that happened, they have proven themselves; they are present, stars, and deserve respect." She continued: "They have been wronged because when the war broke out in Syria, most of the work moved to Lebanon, and producers began to hire a Syrian actor and a Lebanese actress to share the lead. This led to the overshadowing of Syrian actresses, and this is indeed a form of injustice. Of course, I do not want to speak about the actresses in Lebanon; that is their right, and it is an opportunity for them."

Moreover, the Syrian actress expressed her opinion about some Syrian stars, confirming that Amal Arafa is a versatile artist and that she feels happy whenever she sees her in any work. She mentioned that she enjoys watching any production featuring Sulafa Mimar or actress Karis Bashar, adding: "Of course, my love for these actresses does not negate my love for the rest; everyone has their uniqueness, and they are all doing beautiful work."

These statements were made by Mourad during her appearance as a guest on journalist Bilal Al-Arabi's program "My Guest" about a week ago, but social media followers have been widely sharing and interacting with these statements in recent hours. They confirmed that Mourad's comments reflect her intelligence, as she defended the talents of her fellow Syrian actresses without any offense to Lebanese stars, which is often the case in discussions on this topic.

Earlier, Mourad revealed that she had given birth to twins, "Ali and Diana," and mentioned in a press interview that she delivered her babies in the seventh month due to her health conditions. Mourad married Jordanian lawyer Rami Bseiso in 2013 and welcomed her first son, Mohamed, in 2018, surprising her audience with the news of her twins last year. It is worth noting that Joumana Mourad has achieved significant success in Egyptian drama and currently lives with her family in Egypt, having also had numerous successful roles in Syrian drama, most notably her role as Sherifa in the series "Bab Al-Hara."

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