
Aml Al-Annabari Reveals the Truth About Her Marriage and Admits to Past Relationships

Aml Al-Annabari Reveals the Truth About Her Marriage and Admits to Past Relationships

The actress Aml Al-Annabari clarified the rumors regarding her marriage to a Kuwaiti man during one of her television interviews.

Al-Annabari confirmed that the news is untrue and merely a rumor aimed at her, explaining that she has been living in Kuwait for nearly thirteen years. She stated that when she gets married, she does not care about her partner’s nationality but rather focuses solely on their personality and morals. Aml Al-Annabari admitted that she has experienced many love stories, adding, "Whoever said that a person can love only once is a hopeless person because a person can love multiple times throughout their life due to the different stages of life. As we grow older, we become more mature."

She continued, saying, "I am completely different from the mythical Cinderella character; I do not wait for anyone to change my life. However, someone can share in my current life, but I do not wait for anyone to save my life. I have invested time in myself; people might have considered me absent from the scene because I was busy with myself. A person must love themselves in order to love others."

Al-Annabari spoke about her appearance, which she noted has changed recently, believing she has become more beautiful, stating, "I have become more beautiful because I removed the filler. I do not regret having had it because at the time it was a trend, but I did not find myself in it, so I removed it without hesitation."

It is noteworthy that Aml Al-Annabari previously discussed the reason for her absence, indicating she wanted to reassess her priorities and that she was unable to engage in superficial pleasantries, commenting, "Sometimes this causes absence... but I consider myself lucky because despite my long absence, people miss me." She also mentioned her refusal to marry someone who is not financially capable, pointing out that marriage results in children who need a lot of money to live a decent life, thus it is impossible for her to marry someone who cannot provide her with a comfortable living.

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