
6 Ways to Increase Height

6 Ways to Increase Height

Many people, especially those who are shorter, hope to increase their height, and sometimes some believe it to be impossible. However, you can achieve this by following certain steps. According to Healthline, several factors influence a person's height. Genetic factors may account for 60% to 80% of height, while the remaining percentage is attributed to some lifestyle factors such as nutrition and exercise. Most people gain about 5 cm in height annually until puberty, and after reaching puberty, they can grow at a rate of 10 cm, with variations among individuals. For girls, growth spurts begin earlier in adolescence. Although growth stops after puberty, there are certain tips that can be followed throughout adolescence to enhance growth potential.

**Tips for Increasing Height**

1. **Balanced Diet**

It's essential to obtain all the nutrients the body needs during growth years. The diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, as well as proteins and dairy products. On the other hand, it's advised to avoid foods that contain sugar, trans fats, and saturated fats.

2. **Caution with Supplements**

There are only a few cases where supplements might be appropriate for increasing height in children and mitigating shrinkage in older adults. If a condition affects growth hormone production, a doctor may recommend a supplement containing synthetic growth hormone. For other cases, dietary supplements targeting height increase should be avoided.

3. **Sleep**

Lack of sleep does not affect height in the long term, but if the amount of sleep during adolescence is less than needed, it may lead to complications; as the body secretes growth hormone during sleep.

4. **Activity**

Regular exercise has many benefits as it strengthens the muscles and bones, helps maintain a healthy weight, and promotes the production of growth hormone. School-age children should engage in at least an hour of exercise daily.

5. **Proper Posture**

Curvature affects height and can cause neck and back pain, so consulting a doctor can help identify the proper posture while standing and sleeping, in addition to correct seating posture at work.

6. **Yoga**

Yoga can strengthen body muscles and help in increasing height, and it can be practiced at gyms or at home.

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