
Bennett: Iran Cannot Act Hostilely Without Paying the Price

Bennett: Iran Cannot Act Hostilely Without Paying the Price

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday that Iran poses a clear threat to regional stability, asserting that it cannot act in this hostile manner without facing consequences. At the beginning of the weekly Israeli government meeting, Bennett welcomed a report issued by the United States, under the leadership of CENTCOM, detailing Iran's unequivocal involvement in the attack on the "Mercer Street" ship in the Arabian Sea on July 29.

He added, "Iran is the one that committed this maritime terrorist act, and it is still trying to evade responsibility in a cowardly manner." Bennett also welcomed the statement from the G7 countries condemning this attack and pointing fingers at Iran, adding, "Now the test is not just through statements, but through actions."

He continued, "A few days ago, Iran appointed a new president named (Ibrahim) Raisi, a Tehran executioner who is a very evil and extremist figure." Bennett noted, "We are seeing a rise in Iranian aggressive actions across all regions of the Middle East, by sea, air, and land, where Iran has initiated the downing of a civilian aircraft and launched an attack on a civilian ship that resulted in the deaths of civilians of different nationalities. The Iranian regime is also engaging in terrorism on international shipping routes."

He emphasized that "Iran poses a clear danger to regional stability and international peace, and the world must not accept this. Iranians must realize that they cannot continue acting in this way without paying the price and facing the repercussions."

Regarding the Lebanese arena, Bennett stated that "there is a significant awakening among many Lebanese citizens against Hezbollah and Iranian interference in the country. Amid the severe economic and political crisis there, Iran and Hezbollah are troubling the citizens of Lebanon on the front with Israel as well."

He added, "The Lebanese state and the Lebanese army must take responsibility for what is happening in their backyard. In this case as well, it does not matter to us whether it is a Palestinian organization that fires or rogue or independent elements, the State of Israel will not tolerate gunfire directed at its territory."

In another context, Bennett said, "Over the weekend, the IDF carried out airstrikes on Hamas targets in Gaza in response to the launch of incendiary balloons." He added, "I hope that Hamas will understand this message and rein in those launching balloons in their various forms. It does not matter to us if they are rogue elements or others, we hold Hamas responsible for it."

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