
Tragic Incident: Mother Nearly Kills Daughter with Car as Punishment for Removing Hijab

Tragic Incident: Mother Nearly Kills Daughter with Car as Punishment for Removing Hijab

Under the title "Tragic Incident: Egyptian Mother Nearly Kills Daughter with Car as Punishment for Removing Hijab," Al Arabiya reported a distressing story from Ismailia, eastern Egypt, where a young girl almost became a victim at the hands of her mother. The incident began with a tweet from the girl, Raneem Wael Moussa, on her social media account, confirming that her mother had hit her with her car, resulting in bruises and fractures in her pelvis as punishment for removing her hijab.

The girl shared the details of the incident, stating that she is a high school student who recently finished her exams. She was born to a father who works as a doctor in a Gulf country and divorced her mother, who later remarried. Raneem lived with her mother, who is the head of the nursing department in Qantara East, Ismailia, and she mentioned that she is her mother’s only child and has no siblings or uncles, as her grandmother also refused to live with them.

Raneem explained that her mother had insisted she wear the hijab when she reached puberty, which she did, but she recently decided to remove it. Her mother asked her to join her in the car to discuss the matter. During the ride, the discussion escalated after Raneem expressed her unwillingness to wear the hijab, and her mother ordered her to get out of the car and stop the conversation.

The girl recounted that she was taken aback when, after exiting the vehicle, her mother attempted to run her over on purpose, almost killing her before fleeing the scene. Passersby took Raneem to the hospital, where it was found that she had sustained fractures in her pelvis.

A medical source at Hala Zayed Specialized Hospital in Ismailia confirmed to Al Arabiya that the hospital received the girl, who had some bruises and was treated accordingly. The hospital management stated they were unaware of the background or details of the incident but confirmed that the girl arrived with injuries from an accident.

Meanwhile, social media users launched a hashtag named "Raneem's Right," calling for the mother's punishment and urging the National Council for Women to intervene in the situation to protect the girl from her mother's actions and to transfer her to a care facility to ensure her safety and future.

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