Arab World

UK Donates One Hundred Armored Vehicles Worth £1.5 Million to Lebanon

UK Donates One Hundred Armored Vehicles Worth £1.5 Million to Lebanon

The British embassy in Lebanon announced that the UK government is providing a gift to the Lebanese army.

The National News Agency reported that the British embassy issued a statement mentioning that a ship will set sail today from the southern coast of the United Kingdom towards Lebanon, carrying one hundred armored patrol vehicles (Land Rover RWMIK) as a gift from the UK government to the Lebanese army. The statement explained that the value of the armored patrol vehicles is £1.5 million, and their aim is to enhance stability along the Lebanese border with Syria, noting that they will help the Lebanese army confront terrorists and smugglers attempting to cross the border into the country.

The British embassy's statement highlighted the UK's support for Lebanon in recent years, which has contributed to the deployment of four border regiments, the construction of more than 75 border towers, the provision of 350 Land Rovers, and the training of over 11,000 personnel to tackle attempts by extremists and smugglers to illegally enter Lebanon from Syria.

For his part, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Lebanon, Dr. Martin Longden, said: "I am pleased with the UK’s contribution to this gift, as these vehicles will make a real difference in the work of the border regiments that are striving to ensure a safer life for all communities in Lebanon. This also serves as a great practical example of the friendship and cooperation between the armed forces of our two countries, and the UK's genuine commitment to a strong and stable Lebanon."

Additionally, the UK Ministry of Defence's Chief Adviser for the Middle East and North Africa, General John Lorimer, confirmed that these armored vehicles will significantly assist the Lebanese army in protecting the Lebanese borders and will enhance its ability to conduct patrols over longer distances in rugged mountainous terrains. He noted that this military assistance project is indicative of the UK's commitment to supporting the Lebanese people and its partnership with the Lebanese armed forces in securing borders and combating terrorism.

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