
The Situation in Lebanon Remains Suspended Indefinitely

The Situation in Lebanon Remains Suspended Indefinitely

It is not new for those in power in Lebanon to dance on the edge of the abyss without taking any steps that lead to solutions, while facing what lies ahead requires exceptional decisions and steps. An informed source believes that what we have been experiencing for years is the result of a power imbalance that has led to complete paralysis. This paralysis is not new; it can be said that it became evident from May 2014 until October 2016, during which this presidential vacuum proved that the state was unable to fulfill electoral obligations as stipulated by the constitution, which also indicates the presence of a power that holds the reins and prevents any accomplishment unless it is agreed upon and authorized.

The source recalls, through "Akhbar Al-Yawm" agency, that governments remain for months before forming for the same reason. For example, the government of President Tammam Salam in 2014 was born after 11 months of assignment, specifically when a consensus was reached between Iran and the United States at that time. He states: Thus, the game is outside the mechanisms of the constitution, governance, and authority; it is based on the overwhelming external powers controlling the country.

He continues: After waiting for the formation, it comes down to the "holy trinity" and how to incorporate it into the ministerial statement, which is contingent on the will of the controlling party. He notes that during the "mandate," the "Syrian" used a "command style," but today the powers of reality cannot resort to the same approach, so they rely on a "disruption style." Consequently, what is evident so far is that there is no intention for change.

On the other hand, the source discusses the new composition of the parliament, which includes large blocs ready for confrontation, and thus does not include forces prepared to smooth over corners and formulate compromises. Accordingly, the presidential entitlement in 2016 was accomplished through a settlement between the Free Patriotic Movement, Future Movement, and the Forces with Hezbollah's consent and endorsement. However, today the Future Movement is outside parliament and will not participate in any settlement, and there is a significant disagreement between the Movement and the Forces, leading to the conclusion that the council is no longer pliable as it once was, and one cannot bet on a settlement at present.

Nonetheless, it is also impossible to rely on any accomplishment, as the council represents warring minorities. Therefore, the source anticipates a trend towards further governmental and presidential vacancy, but a government, even if resigned, will manage the phase, and since the constitution does not recognize a vacancy, he states: The situation in Lebanon will remain in a state of waiting until the regional scene crystallizes. A clear example is the speech of Hezbollah's Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, which did not address internal affairs yet "shook" the internal atmosphere, as it was a speech paving the way for war and reflects the severe tension between America and Iran, which has Israeli and Arab repercussions, keeping the situation in Lebanon suspended indefinitely.

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