
Sheikh Al-Aql in Al-Jahiliyya… and Wahhab Welcomes Him

Sheikh Al-Aql in Al-Jahiliyya… and Wahhab Welcomes Him

Sheikh Al-Aql for the Druze community, Dr. Sami Abi Al-Muna, emphasized the importance of "adhering to the message of the mountain in monotheism, humanity, Arabism, and Islam, and remaining steadfast on unity regardless of shifting political circumstances, guided by wise leadership and the blessings of our sheikhs, who serve as a safety valve for this unity." This statement was made during a visit he made this afternoon to the town of Al-Jahiliyya in the Shouf region, where he offered condolences at the home of Sheikh Fadil Abu Dhiyab for the passing of his mother, the late Sheikhah Umm Ali Al-Maz Mahmoud Bou Nasif, wife of Sheikh Abu Ali Bashir Abu Dhiyab, accompanied by a large delegation of sheikhs. Among those welcoming him, along with the family of the deceased, were the former minister and head of the Arab Unification Party, Wiam Wahhab, the mayor of Al-Jahiliyya Amine Bou Dhiyab, as well as other spiritual, social, and local figures.

Wahhab delivered a welcoming speech to Sheikh Al-Aql, saying: "Welcome to all of you in our home, and we thank you for this visit; you are not strangers to this town, as people know you from religious gatherings and in times of hardship as well, and you are a son of this region." He added, "What we ask of our sheikhs is the unity they have always requested us to practice. We may differ politically, but there are not significant disagreements as there are red lines that no one should cross, and that is the interest of our community, adhering to the same advice. We are going through difficult times, and we are heading towards even harder times, which requires protecting our people, our community, and our mountain, and for us to be united together; all remaining details can be resolved, God willing."

For his part, Sheikh Al-Aql stated: "We honor the town of Al-Jahiliyya, the town of piety, knowledge, and manhood, rich with history and distinguished individuals, the town of the esteemed Sheikh Abu Ali Suleiman Abu Dhiyab, the late Sheikh Abu Said Faiz Abu Dhiyab, and here is Sheikh Abu Ali Bashir Abu Dhiyab along with a host of honorable sheikhs and scholars of whom we all take pride." He continued, "Regardless of political differences and fluctuations, our message remains consistent from our positions: the message of monotheism, humanity, and Arabism. This is our path, the path of Arabism and Islam. When we were in Al-Irfan, and today in the Sheikhdom, we carry the same message; each person bears it according to their capability and resources. We are called to preserve it through our friendships, relationships, and steadfastness in this mountain, following this Arab Islamic monotheistic approach, and no one should deviate from it, as I previously mentioned, despite occasional political stances and opinions. This unity we aspire to with our esteemed sheikhs—who are the crown on our heads and protectors of this faith and the path of Arab Islamic monotheism—is also a safety valve, supported by their presence, blessings, and the unity of our words, God willing. Everyone is called to protect this message with the zeal of the youth and the sheikhs and all."

Afterward, Sheikh Al-Aql visited Sheikh Abu Ali Suleiman Abu Dhiyab at his home in the town to inquire about his health, and they discussed various issues concerning the community in the presence of a large number of sheikhs. Prior to his arrival in Al-Jahiliyya, Abi Al-Muna visited the late Sheikh Abu Muhammad Jawad Wali Al-Din's private retreat in the Ras Al-Dhib area in Baakleen to seek blessings and remembrance.

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