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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed during a press conference following his meeting with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi that the two sides discussed the situations in Iraq, Libya, and Yemen, and the conditions for dialogue in these countries, in addition to addressing the Syrian crisis and the role of the Arab League in resolving it.

According to Sputnik, Lavrov stated that the talks discussed joint efforts to enhance security in the Gulf, including within the framework of the Russian initiative. He welcomed the normalization between Israel and some Arab countries, pointing out that it should not obstruct the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state. He noted that to resume direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine, "we need support from the Quartet and from the Arabs themselves."

Lavrov explained that "Russia and Jordan have good prospects for cooperation in military-technical fields and nuclear energy." Regarding Western countries' criticism of the "suppression of protests" in Russia, Lavrov stated that "the media coverage and statements made by the Western opposition reflect double standards," adding that if our Western partners want some facts, we can show them a video to compare police actions in the West and in Russia, noting that Western countries impose much harsher penalties than Russia regarding participation in unlicensed campaigns.

For his part, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi emphasized the agreement between the two countries on the necessity of intensifying efforts to reach a comprehensive and just solution to the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution according to international law. He said, "For us in the Kingdom, the Palestinian issue is fundamental and the primary central issue, and peace is our strategic option."

Regarding the Hashemite guardianship over the holy sites in Jerusalem, Safadi clarified that the Kingdom's concern is to preserve the Arab-Islamic and Christian identity of these holy sites.

Safadi noted that the meeting with Russian officials addressed cooperation in combating the coronavirus pandemic and the possibility of acquiring the Russian vaccine for distribution in Jordan and among refugees there.

He pointed out that Jordan fully supports the convening of the international Quartet to regain momentum for the peace process, considering that his country is looking forward to working quickly with the new American administration to launch serious and effective Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.

Concerning the Syrian crisis, Safadi spoke about the need to activate efforts to find a political solution, emphasizing that "an active Arab role is necessary in resolving the crisis."

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