
Foods to Eat When You're Hungry Before Sleeping

Foods to Eat When You're Hungry Before Sleeping

We have often heard that eating before bed is linked to weight gain, yet this is largely a myth. However, what you choose to eat before bedtime can affect your weight over time, as well as your ability to sleep well. Here are the top expert recommendations for what to eat if you feel hungry at night, according to The Huffington Post:


According to nutritionist Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, nighttime stomach growls are your body’s way of signaling that it craves more calories and nutrients. Therefore, you should aim to consume foods that provide you with the most nutritional value, which makes walnuts an excellent choice. Beckerman stated, "Walnuts have abundant nutritional properties; they are rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin B, proteins, and heart-healthy fats like plant-based omega-3s. Due to their many beneficial nutrients, research has found that eating walnuts can help ward off type 2 diabetes and other risk factors associated with heart disease."


Besides being delicious, bananas can actually help you sleep. Beckerman noted, "Bananas contain potassium, a natural muscle relaxant that aids in good sleep at night. They also contain low levels of tryptophan, which not only boosts mood but can also help promote restful sleep." One thing to note is that bananas contain around 15 grams of sugar each. While too much sugar can disrupt sleep, the sugar in bananas is natural and will have a lesser impact on blood sugar levels compared to refined sugars. The other benefits of bananas are sufficient to make them a healthy bedtime snack that is unlikely to disrupt your sleep.

**Chocolate-Covered Nuts**

Beckerman suggests, "You can enjoy dark chocolate and nuts to satisfy your nighttime hunger due to the blood-stabilizing protein and healthy fats from the nuts. Dark chocolate also provides just the right amount of sweetness." One caution is that dark chocolate contains caffeine, and if you're eating a handful of chocolate-covered nuts, you're unlikely to consume a significant amount of caffeine. However, caffeine affects everyone differently - so if you know that your sleep is affected even by the smallest amount, it might be wise to avoid chocolate.

**Greek Yogurt with Almonds and Berries**

If you’re willing to put in some effort (by mixing a few foods together), nutritionist Abby Fischl recommends Greek yogurt with almonds and berries. She said, "This is a great option because it provides a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats." Carbohydrates come from the berries (and yogurt), proteins from the yogurt, and fats from the almonds. Eating something carbohydrate-based, something protein-based, and something fat-based before bed helps maintain blood sugar balance and prevents your body from waking up at night due to the need for glucose.

**Rice Cake with Peanut Butter**

Fischl mentions that this is another great bedtime snack since peanut butter contains proteins and fats, while the rice cake provides carbohydrates. As mentioned earlier, this trio is excellent for maintaining blood sugar balance throughout the night.

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